So while taking a break from moving things about and starting a lowsec base i decided to have another go at Ninja Salvaging. Something i've not done since starting my first character acouple of years back.
First task was to find a nice system to hit. The new agent finder made this rather easier than it used to be. So after trying afew areas with lvl 4's i finally found a nice area with lvl 4's in system and surrounding system which sent people to me aswell.
While i've seen various moans about the changes to scanning i never found it to be a problem as i used 7 probes in the typical 5 grid formation with the extras above and below. This said typically things moved fairly fast as masses of players now control multi accounts making things progress faster. Meaning i'd miss quite afew.
Even when getting into missions and starting to salvage i got zero smack and was only left alone vs the rats once.
The main issues i've found were the massivly lowerd market prices for salvage parts making it far less cost efficient and the hoards and hoards of people bringing a noctis in meaning often i couldnt get any wrecks.
Conclusion IT SUX ATM